External Assessment (2 hours 45 minutes) - 75% Weightage
Paper 1 (1 hour) - 25%
1. Productive skills—writing (30 marks). Two written tasks of 70–150 words each from a choice of three tasks, choosing a text type for each task from among those listed in the examination instructions.
Paper 2 (1 hour 45 minutes) - 50%
Receptive skills—separate sections for listening and reading (65 marks).
2. Listening comprehension (45 minutes) - 25 marks
3. Reading comprehension (1 hour) - 40 marks
Comprehension exercises on three audio passages and three written texts, drawn from all five themes.
Internal Assessment - 25%
This component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course.
4. Individual oral assessment: A conversation with the teacher, based on a visual stimulus and at least one additional course theme. (30 marks)
For more information, visit the official IBO website.